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Beyond the Silver Bullet

Wel­co­me to my blog «Bey­ond the Sil­ver Bul­let». I’m deligh­ted that you have found your way here.

Cre­dit: Sabri­na Kohler

If not now, then when? This is a ques­ti­on that I have often asked mys­elf recent­ly. The time is ripe to set up a blog and share a few thoughts with you, many of which have been on my mind for a very long time. The­se are thoughts and expe­ri­en­ces that rela­te to me per­so­nal­ly, in the world of sport and in my life as a per­son with a phy­si­cal disa­bi­li­ty. I will be explo­ring them here in a loo­se sequence of blog posts.

The­re are moments in which I look back not just at my sport­ing suc­ces­ses but also at my visi­ons and obser­va­tions that go bey­ond medals, tro­phies and records. How has the world of parasport deve­lo­ped during my care­er and to what ext­ent has my gui­ding prin­ci­ple «I wish to be respec­ted as an ath­le­te and a human being, not mar­vel­led at becau­se I‘m dis­ab­led» beco­me a rea­li­ty? Whe­re do we stand in socie­ty in terms of the per­cep­ti­on of peo­p­le with disa­bi­li­ties, and what does inclu­si­on mean for me? The­se and other ques­ti­ons have inspi­red me to start this blog and share my insights with you.

The decis­i­on to begin this blog wasn’t an easy one for me. I have ambi­va­lent fee­lings with regard to wri­ting about topics like inclu­si­on in par­ti­cu­lar. For me, sport has always been more than just a pas­si­on in which I pur­sue my goals. It is also a kind of lan­guage that enables me to express mys­elf and my values. In this regard, I always try to direct people’s atten­ti­on towards my sport­ing achie­ve­ments. The wheel­chair is secon­da­ry; it is mere­ly a means of trans­por­ta­ti­on and a pie­ce of sport­ing equip­ment. At the same time, I stand by my phy­si­cal disa­bi­li­ty, which is a part of my life, along with all the chal­lenges that it brings. As a result, issues of inclu­si­on also affect me to a grea­ter or les­ser ext­ent. As a suc­cessful sports­man with a cer­tain degree of fame, I also view it as an obli­ga­ti­on and an oppor­tu­ni­ty to make a small con­tri­bu­ti­on mys­elf by sha­ring my thoughts and expe­ri­en­ces with you. For the pur­po­se of this blog, I will be shif­ting the focus onto my disa­bi­li­ty and aspects that rela­te to it for once. Of cour­se I will only be addres­sing indi­vi­du­al topics and expe­ri­en­ces, but the­se are topics and expe­ri­en­ces that are rele­vant and important to me.

My writ­ten con­tri­bu­ti­ons do not mean that I am see­king to beco­me an ambassa­dor for peo­p­le with disa­bi­li­ties or an acti­vist for inclu­si­on. I sim­ply do not have the requi­red know­ledge for that, and will the­r­e­fo­re lea­ve tho­se tasks to the true experts. It is important to me to stress that I do not lay any cla­im to uni­ver­sal vali­di­ty. In the­se blog artic­les, I am only spea­king for mys­elf and describ­ing my per­so­nal insights, per­spec­ti­ves and thoughts. They can­not auto­ma­ti­cal­ly be appli­ed to other peo­p­le. That said, of cour­se I have also incor­po­ra­ted and taken inspi­ra­ti­on from the thoughts and opi­ni­ons of others.

As a sports­man, I have lear­ned that sport is more than just a phy­si­cal acti­vi­ty. It has the power to chan­ge lives, over­co­me boun­da­ries and unite com­mu­ni­ties. I am very hap­py and gra­teful that my spon­sor Alli­anz Suis­se shares this view and will be sup­port­ing me with its editing services.

I hope that many peo­p­le – regard­less of whe­ther or not they are sports­men and women and whe­ther or not they have disa­bi­li­ties – will reso­na­te with some of the issues I rai­se or will at least be given food for thought and will be able to under­stand my opinions.

I am embar­king on a jour­ney that is far less fami­li­ar to me than the pur­su­it of sport­ing goals. It is a jour­ney full of per­so­nal expe­ri­en­ces and reflec­tions. Abo­ve all, wri­ting down some of my thoughts is a rewar­ding pro­cess and one that is sure to boost my per­so­nal deve­lo­p­ment. Thank you for being my bene­vo­lent com­pa­n­ion on this very per­so­nal and in some cases inti­ma­te jour­ney. See you soon!

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